Sunday, December 12, 2010

"kelly's happiness is my utmost concern. i dont want to see her being stressed up. that's all."
dearest kor, you've no idea how thankful i am for having you around.
it's always times like these when you'll always shelter me from troubles, always making sure that i'm safe, unhurt.
you speak up for me, when i've got no courage to say a word.
you give me a hug, and assure me that everything will be fine.
you teach me what to do when i'm feeling lost.
after tonight, i've came to realise that i'm not afraid of anything else, other than not being able to live with you.
i was afraid, when you told me that i cannot choose to follow you.
i was afraid, when you said you might choose to live with neither of them.
i am afraid, to have to face everything alone.
but, i'll stay strong, like what i've promised you. and, i love you too...

i was a total idiot last night. stupidiest thing i've ever done.
i'm weak, it's true.

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