Tuesday, December 21, 2010

That walk all the way home allowed me to think through a lot.
It made me realise how you've actually made me stronger...
In fact, it should be "thank you for everything " (:
As I walked, I came across this lady who was having difficulty lifting her trolley up the steps.
I went up and gave her a hand. It made me really happy(:
Just as my mind was preoccupied with all these happiness and all the thinking, I walked into a "restricted" area which was undergoing construction.
I happily walked and walked.
I saw a few banglas trying to wave to me, but I ignored.
I got scared. Thinking they were some perverts, I walked even faster.
As I continued walking, I saw one of them walking in my direction.
I got even more scared. I took out my phone and was prepared to call for help. (Seriously.)
Then he approached me and told me that I cant walk through here, cause the path is blocked at the end.
I was super embarrassed, I immediately turned back.
I looked around, and all I see were banglas, banglas and more banglas.
Not a single non-bangla soul was around!!
Conclusion: This is a construction site.
So when I finally reached the "entrance" where I entered from, one of the bangla who was waving at me earlier, opened up the barrier for me to exit.
Super embarrassing...

Your lollipop lasted me throughout my walk home!! Haha. Thanks!!(:

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