Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time to blog about yesterday!!
Watched Hello Stranger, finally.(: [With Lynette, Jovi and Yeeshan!!]
It was super funny!!
But it made me feel like an idiot.
One moment I was crying, the next I was laughing so hard. Had no idea what was I doing... Haha.
The ending was rather unexpected though.
Everything in the movie reminded me of you...

Had a Christmas Celebration with the Truggers in the evening!
Enjoyed it a lot!! Super fun(:
Hmmm... But I spent a lot yesterday:/
Had to cab back also, cause we missed the last train. Argh.
I need to start saving up!!

Homework time:/ Argh.

Yeeshan: I'm proud of you writing such impressive stuff at the age of 11 too!! It's rare for young kids to have a mind of their own. Well, at least I'm pretty sure I was that matured when I was P5. Haha.

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