Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's Valentines' Day was pretty awesome(:
It was so happening in school! Made me feel as though I'm back in Crescent!!
I'll upload pictures hopefully by this weekend!!

I did something I never imagine I would have done today!!
I'm still having that *butterflies in my tummy* feeling till now:/
I dont know if it's because I'm regretting it, or I'm happy that's why.
But I just dont like this *heart goes pit bom pit bom* feeling at the thought of it.
Plus, I just saw something on facebook!! Argh.
I'm so happy + angry + excited + disappointed.
Guess I'll just wait till he fulfills his "promise" of thanking me PERSONALLY. :D
Does he know? Or does he not know? Argh, I dont know!! But I hope he does!!(: Haha.
[I'm going crazy. This is such a one sided drama:/]

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