Friday, November 19, 2010

Dearest delta...
Thank you for always being there, twenty shoulders always there for me to lean on...
I'm sorry should I have made you felt unimportant at anytime, but do know that you all really mean a lot to me...
I've never wanted to not talk to you all about what exactly is happening, just that I was hopping someone else would be there instead...
I know it's very selfish of me to think this way, but I didn't mean for it to seem this way...
You all are a bunch of genuine friends that I'm really really very appreciative of, people whom I know would always be there...
Sorry for being so selfish, I love you delta...

1 comment:

  1. Hey kelly:D
    cheer up! sorry not being a very effective shoulder... but hope that i can still share some of your troubles!!:)
    cheer up! love you<333
