Thursday, January 6, 2011

"treasure your loved ones"
that's what i've mentioned in my previous post, but no, i've failed to do so.
it only made me realise how important you really are to me, when you're gone.
but, it's too late.
there are way too many words left unspoken.
you once asked, "what's the impression you have of me as your father."
annoyed, i shrugged my shoulders and turned away.
but daddy, you're a wonderful daddy, who has always been there.
you dont show it, but i know, you care.
things that you do sometimes upsets me, but i know, you've always had my interests at heart.
i'm sorry that i've never reciprocrated the same amount of love you've showered on me.
right now, i so badly want to tell the world how proud i am for having a daddy like you.

forgive me, for being such a lousy daughter...
a daughter who stays out late on purpose, just to avoid staying home alone with you.
a daughter who fails to have dinner with you often.
a daughter who gives you the cold shoulder.
a daughter who took you for granted.
a daughter who never really cared about how you felt.
a daughter who brushes you away whenever you try to spend time with her.
a daughter who blocks you on MSN, so as to avoid conversations with you.
a daughter who does nothing but to criticise and complain about you.
a daughter who only expects you to give, but does nothing in return.
but daddy, please dont take whatever i've done or said to heart.
i just want you to know that, i love you, and i really really do.
make your way peacefully to the whole new world you're about to enter.
leave without any worries, stay happy.
mummy, kor and i will stay strong, keeping you deep in our hearts always.
we'll all reunite again someday...

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