Sunday, February 6, 2011

CNY 2011 was better than expected.

I love my family(:

I want to grow old with my future husband, I really do.

We managed to find a few photos taken during our younger days!!
I swear I look like a boy:/

This year isnt the same without daddy,
It wouldnt be anymore...
I miss you so badly:/
It's been so long since I last dreamt of you...


Celebrated the Jan babies birthday last week!!(:
Hope you all enjoyed the celebration.

Guitar Hero was awesome too(:(:(:
I had so so much fun.
Friends who wouldnt mind your retardedness are hard to find.
I'm glad to be part of Delta, I really am (Y)
Thanks for coming(:

I've tried so hard to get you out of my head.
But the harder I try, the more I think of you...

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