Monday, February 7, 2011

Sometimes I tend to have this sudden urge to tell you to stay out of my life, that I want to have nothing to do with you ever again.

But soon after, I picture myself crying so badly, realizing how badly I'm regretting it:/

I want to tell you how much I really hate you for being so selfish, thinking that I'll be happier by asking me to get together with someone else whom you claim to be better. Fact is, you don't even know who they are. I thought you knew me best, but I guess I'm wrong.

I've been trying so hard to think the worst of you, to get you out of my mind. Why should I continue waiting for someone who doesn't even know what he wants, someone who has other priorities to even bother about you, someone who doesn't make the effort to do anything? But then again, how much does it take to love and be willing to wait for someone who's like that? A lot. That's how much you mean to me.

I've been wanting to apologize for what I said that night. I don't mean it, I really dont. (Sigh, doubt you know what I'm talking about though...) Everything that happened that night was my fault. I wish to clear it up with you so badly, but yet I don't know how. You seem fine now already, so I guess I shouldn't talk about it anymore. Just hope you'll be reading this...

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