Friday, April 22, 2011

Hmmm... I think I'm starting to think quite a lot nowadays.
Random questions just pop out in my head, and I'll keep thinking about it.

Yesterday I was thinking to myself, why do we need a partner in our lives?
What's the purpose of getting a boyfriend / girlfriend now?
To have someone to depend on?
To have someone who'll be committed to you?
To have someone to love you?
What's the difference between a partner and a friend?
Isn't it quite selfish then, to be in a relationship for reasons like these?

Being in a relationship can bring you all the happiness in the world.
The feeling of being appreciated, loved and cared for is a feeling that everyone longs for.
But when a relationship doesnt work out, how much sadness and heartache will one have to go through?
Then again, not all relationships dont work out.
But, here comes another question.
When the day that you should part, who'd you rather be the one to leave first?
Would it be selfish to want to leave before your partner, so that you wouldnt have to go through the heartache of being left alone?

All these came to mind as I thought of Daddy and Mummy.
I really dont know what I'd do if I were in Mummy's shoes...

Would you rather be with someone whom you love or to be with someone who loves you?
If you'd choose to be with someone you love and who loves you also, how then would you know if he/she would forever remain so true to you?
"Love is always a gamble." I cant agree more.

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