Friday, April 15, 2011

My life now mainly revolves around school, touch rug, tuition, study. And it sucks so bad. I feel that I don't have time to do my own stuff (like blog) or even to complete my tutorials on time, neither do I have time for my friends. I miss Delta:/

Had a really bad weekend two weeks ago. My mum broke down so badly, she locked herself in her room, refusing to talk to me. I felt so lost, so helpless. I had no choice but to call my brother back from his poly camp. He used his spare key to open my mum's door. I saw my mum crying so badly. The reason being, I have no time for her and she feels so alone. I cried.

I'm so drained from school that at times when I return home, I just shower, have dinner and head straight to bed. Never did I notice my mum sitting there waiting for me to talk to her. Never did realise how much I've neglected her...

Ever since daddy left, mummy has been rather paranoid about the slightest things that happen. And I've failed to do my part to take away all her fears:/ It's time
I learnt to do so...

I'm not doing too well at school, I'm unable to cope with the amount of homework that's piling up as the days go by. With the exception of getting to see my friends, school sucks so bad...

Touch rug. The team has been performing well(: We've won every single match so far, drew one. But I didn't get to play in the last three, sprained my other ankle:/ Hopefully it recovers by wed, I really want to play in the last three before the semis...

Hmmm... There isn't really anything else to blog about; that's my life for now:|

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