Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's Valentines' Day was pretty awesome(:
It was so happening in school! Made me feel as though I'm back in Crescent!!
I'll upload pictures hopefully by this weekend!!

I did something I never imagine I would have done today!!
I'm still having that *butterflies in my tummy* feeling till now:/
I dont know if it's because I'm regretting it, or I'm happy that's why.
But I just dont like this *heart goes pit bom pit bom* feeling at the thought of it.
Plus, I just saw something on facebook!! Argh.
I'm so happy + angry + excited + disappointed.
Guess I'll just wait till he fulfills his "promise" of thanking me PERSONALLY. :D
Does he know? Or does he not know? Argh, I dont know!! But I hope he does!!(: Haha.
[I'm going crazy. This is such a one sided drama:/]

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I only have myself to blame, for being so weak.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Had dinner with my paternal side today to celebrate my cousin's 21st... It was a happy dinner, but somehow, it feels otherwise deep inside.
My three cousins brought their girlfriends along. It was a pretty big group of people who turned up. Then came the family shot. Everyone was so happy for my cousin, so glad that he has grown up.
I sat there looking at all of their happy faces. I smiled. But deep inside, it hurt so badly...
I've never felt so alone. Looking at how happy my uncle was, my heart ached so badly... Daddy will never ever be able to celebrate my birthday for me again, he won't be here to feel proud of me when I turn 21. Not anymore...
It suddenly felt as though everyone else has everything, but I don't. Their life is so complete, but not mine...

I really wished you were by my side to help me through all this pain... I miss you:/

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sometimes I tend to have this sudden urge to tell you to stay out of my life, that I want to have nothing to do with you ever again.

But soon after, I picture myself crying so badly, realizing how badly I'm regretting it:/

I want to tell you how much I really hate you for being so selfish, thinking that I'll be happier by asking me to get together with someone else whom you claim to be better. Fact is, you don't even know who they are. I thought you knew me best, but I guess I'm wrong.

I've been trying so hard to think the worst of you, to get you out of my mind. Why should I continue waiting for someone who doesn't even know what he wants, someone who has other priorities to even bother about you, someone who doesn't make the effort to do anything? But then again, how much does it take to love and be willing to wait for someone who's like that? A lot. That's how much you mean to me.

I've been wanting to apologize for what I said that night. I don't mean it, I really dont. (Sigh, doubt you know what I'm talking about though...) Everything that happened that night was my fault. I wish to clear it up with you so badly, but yet I don't know how. You seem fine now already, so I guess I shouldn't talk about it anymore. Just hope you'll be reading this...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

CNY 2011 was better than expected.

I love my family(:

I want to grow old with my future husband, I really do.

We managed to find a few photos taken during our younger days!!
I swear I look like a boy:/

This year isnt the same without daddy,
It wouldnt be anymore...
I miss you so badly:/
It's been so long since I last dreamt of you...


Celebrated the Jan babies birthday last week!!(:
Hope you all enjoyed the celebration.

Guitar Hero was awesome too(:(:(:
I had so so much fun.
Friends who wouldnt mind your retardedness are hard to find.
I'm glad to be part of Delta, I really am (Y)
Thanks for coming(:

I've tried so hard to get you out of my head.
But the harder I try, the more I think of you...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Was it because I didnt love you enough, or was there too much love?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I dont know what to feel about you anymore.
I'm starting to not know what I want either.
Perhaps you're wrong, I'm not that perfect afterall.